The holiday season, above all else, is a time to spread love and kindness, regardless of what you celebrate. We should aim to put good into the world whenever we get the chance, but around the holidays there are lots of great opportunities to do so. However, with a busy schedule and finals quickly approaching, it’s not always easy to find time to volunteer. If you want to help, but are juggling a busy schedule, consider a volunteer project you can do on your own time, and even from home (or your dorm room) this holiday season!
If you like to draw:
Cards For Hospitalized Kids (CFHK)
Spending time in the hospital is rough for kids anytime of the year, but around the holidays, it can be especially hard to be cooped up and missing the magic of the holiday season. CFHK is a nonprofit organization that distributes handmade cards to hospitalized kids across the country. Holiday cards can be crafted in your own time and sent to the address listed on the website. More information regarding card making guidelines, deadlines for holiday cards, and general information about the organization, can be found on their website (linked above).
If you’re into crafts:
Soldier’s Angels
A lot of service members will be spending this holiday season deployed or wounded in the hospital. And many veterans will be forced to celebrate the holidays alone. Soldier’s Angels provides handmade blankets to those service members and veterans. The blankets serve as comfort items during uncertain
and challenging times and are cherished by the recipients for years to come. The blankets are a great craft project to unwind and destress during finals, and they can also be a fun project to work on together with family and friends over winter break. Instructions for making the blankets and more information on the organization can be found on their website (linked above).
If you have a knack for writing:
Love for Our Elders
Loneliness and isolation amongst senior citizens is especially hard during the holiday season, which is why Love for Our Elders has a mission to combat the senior loneliness epidemic through handwritten letters. Through their website, you can select an elder, read about them and their interests, and then write a letter to brighten their day. Around the holidays, these letters are especially meaningful to the recipients, and it’s a really good way to spread kindness and make someone’s day. Letter writing guidelines, instructions on where to address letters, and more information about the Love for Our Elders organization can be found on their website (linked above).