These days, getting into college isn’t the only thing on students and families minds - paying for college is too. Unfortunately, many high school seniors are rethinking their college pathway due to costs. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the average cost for a public university undergraduate student on campus was about $25,700 for the 2020 academic year. It is unconscionable to think that K-12 education is free, and yet when we enter university in our home state, we must think of ways to pay for our education to avoid being mired in debt for the rest of our lives.
While many Americans worry about paying off their college debt post-graduation, students in European countries such as Norway, Finland, and France do not share the same financial burden. In Norway, public universities are fully funded by the government, so citizens AND international students don’t have to pay tuition fees. The Norwegian government believes that everyone should have a high-quality education regardless of their socioeconomic status. Countries like France and Finland also have governments that subsidize or even erase higher education tuition. Better start studying your Norwegian, French, or Finnish if you want to get into these countries' universities!
What many students don’t know, however, is that they may be able to accomplish their degree at a cheaper cost. For example, Google has Job-ready skills you can put to work. The company has started online courses where one can obtain certification for jobs in under six months. If you want to go to college for IT support or Python programming, Google can help you complete your education in a cheaper and more cost-effective manner. Rather than being in debt for $100,000, you can find a job where the money goes into your pocket instead of going towards a four-year degree at a university.
If you do decide to go to university and none of these tips apply to your degree/field of study, then consider applying for jobs, scholarships, and student loans to help pay off your debt. According to, the average university student job pays $11.76 per hour. University jobs are great ways for students to make money; the hours are not strenuous, and the work environments are fairly relaxed. Websites such as Credible are a helpful tool in comparing private student loan rates from various lenders, so you can make the best financial decisions for yourself and your future. Ultimately, college should be a positive experience. One which you want to enjoy, not fret about.