Q: Tell me a bit about yourself, what led you toward a career as a teacher?
A: I often found myself in teaching roles, which resulted in me having a lightbulb ‘duh moment.’ There were many times that people in the grocery store would ask if I was a teacher after I interacted with their kid; I sometimes wondered if the word “teacher” were just written on my forehead. Overall, the career just felt right.
Q: What do you feel has been your greatest accomplishment thus far as a teacher?
A: As I have been teaching for 25 years, former students often find me on Facebook and tell me the impact on their lives. These students range from an angry 8th grader who was just getting started in life and is now an army ranger to people who are now in medical school. Whether they hated Chemistry or loved it, it's very meaningful to hear that to have had a positive impact on students and it is a massive accomplishment.
Q: If you had to pick, what would be your most memorable experience as a teacher?
A: Coming up with a memorable moment is extremely difficult, but my favorite is getting to watch students begin understanding and moving forward. Getting to watch moments like those makes me keep me going as a teacher.
Q: What is your favorite part about teaching at the Academy?
A: The amount of time I get to spend with students in office hours. At my old school, I had to turn them away when they came to my classroom for help because they had other classes to be in. Here, I am able to spend a beautiful amount of time with the students.
Q: I know that you’ve had a decent part to play in a few programs in place at the Academy, so you clearly have some big goals. In what direction do you want to see the Academy go?
A: I want to continue to encourage students across the state to come here and be challenged. We have an excellent opportunity to teach academic skills, sure, but also soft skills like time management that are quite valuable.
Q: What visions or ideas do you have for pushing us towards that goal?
A: I will continue to help and participate as much as I can. My primary focus will be on giving the students at this institution the best Chemistry education that I possibly can.